"For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus."
Galatians 3:26
BLAST (Being Light and Salt Together) is our program for kids ages Kindergarten through 5rd grade. It includes BLAST 9: small group Bible teaching and projects from 9-10am, as well as big group activities during the sermon. BLAST workers will take the kids up to the 3rd floor when dismissed from the worship service. Parents should pick up their children from the 3rd floor immediately following the service.
To stay up-to-date on events and special announcements, please make sure you are subscribed to the children's ministry e-newsletter. To sign up for e-newsletters or more information contact Ali Grimshaw: agrimshaw@ncfstl.org
To stay up-to-date on events and special announcements, please make sure you are subscribed to the children's ministry e-newsletter. To sign up for e-newsletters or more information contact Ali Grimshaw: agrimshaw@ncfstl.org
Our Vision and Goals:
- Children’s Ministry at NCF wants to help kids know Jesus and then help them reflect Him in everything they do. Kids will learn about Jesus’ life by looking into the Bible, they will hear the Good News of Salvation, practice reconciliation, have opportunities to reach out and touch the lives of other people at home and abroad, and become part of the Church Body.
- We believe that God has given Christian parents a responsibility to nurture their children in faith, and we happily come alongside to partner with parents on this journey of discipling their kids to know and follow Jesus. In both our Children's Sunday School and Children's Worship programs, we are using The Gospel Project curriculum. This curriculum uses a Gospel-centered approach to show kids how every story in Scripture points to Jesus and God's plan to redeem us through his life, death and resurrection. We also love that this curriculum is multi-media, which makes it adaptable for kids of all differing abilities and learning styles.
- Our mission is to come alongside families in introducing kids to Jesus by teaching and discipling them through the whole Bible, and as we do this to emphasize the New City core values of Sonship, Reconciliation, God's Kingdom Plan, Team Ministry, Humility/Humble Circumstances, Trials and The Promises of God. We also desire all our children to become communing members of the church, as God leads and in His timing.

We want to connect with your family!
There are many ways to be involved with Children’s Ministry at New City! Our needs range from teaching and helping positions to writing cards to visiting families, organizing supplies, and donating materials like crayons and glue sticks. If the Lord is calling you to work with children, then trust that He has already equipped you to do so and that all you need to do is to step out in faith.