Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
New City Fellowship missions exists to enable the members of NCF to partner with the global church for the advancement of the Gospel by preaching grace and doing justice in their local communities. We are also committed to participating in starting new churches in the unreached communities of the world.
We seek to obey this calling by:
- Developing relationships with national pastors and churches in the countries to which God calls us. We will seek to find ways to mutually engage in sharing the Gospel through word and deed, including theological training and partnering in compassion ministries. We are committed both to sending NCF teams on short-term missions trips and to bringing national pastors to St. Louis for our mutual instruction and encouragement in the faith.
- Developing priority field focus for our missions programs through identifying communities in the world where we can have a focused, long-term investment, based on NCF congregational and pastoral leadership commitment.
- Supporting U.S. missionaries who will either help connect us to national churches with whom we can partner, or engage in evangelism and church planting in unreached communities.