The New City Worship Team serves as unified hearts and voices glorifying God and enriching the church through psalms, hymns and spiritual songs.
Worship ...
- proceeds from our grace relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
- is centered in its direction on God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
- compels us to go out from worship to serve God in love for Him and our neighbor
- is energized by the Holy Spirit and engages the whole person - soul, spirit, body
- celebrates God’s character and His deeds, bringing joy to Him and spiritual health to us, changing us into the image of Christ.

Ways to get involved in the worship team
Music Team
Vocalists and musicians of different musical backgrounds who are committed to serving the congregation once or twice a month by leading songs in worship services.
Tech Team
Volunteers who operate the sound equipment, present the slide show for the worship services, or help film the livestream. All training is provided.
Singers who prepare the congregation for worship through songs for special events such as Christmas, Black History Celebration and Easter.
Children, Youth, and House church musicians
Vocalists and musicians who serve in ministries outside the regular worship services.