Women's Bible Study
Studying Book of Exodus
Meeting on Wednesday mornings from 9:15-11 am on the nursery floor, this group is open to women of all ages.
Please join us! Childcare is provided.
Studying Book of James
Meeting on Sunday Evenings from 6:30-8 pm at the Hodiamont Office, this group is open to women of all ages.

For more information or to join a Women's Bible Study group, please submit the form below!
Men Mentoring Men
The Men Mentoring Men group meets on the 4th Saturday of the month from 7:00 AM to 8:30 AM at the church office: 1142 Hodiamont Ave.
At each meeting we present a topic of concern to all of us and encourage each other in the word and with the experiences God has taken us through. All men are invited!