Koinonia - Cultural Identity
Identity has been a central part of the preaching at New City Fellowship in the last year. Our identity is rooted in our relationship as Sons and Daughters of God through the work of Christ (Rom. 8:12-17; Gal. 3:26). God has intentionally made us different to express the depth of his character and celebrate his glory (Rev. 5:9-10; 7:9-12). To continue to grow deeper in our understanding of identity, and to better live out a reconciled relationship amongst the church body, Koinonia will promote and encourage the teaching of cultural identity formation at New City Fellowship.
Over the next twelve months, Koinonia will work with trained educators knowledgeable in the concept of cultural identity formation to provide training opportunities for church leadership and the general congregation. It is important to give a deeper education on how our Christian identity differs from our cultural identity, and how our living out the Christian walk is shaped by our cultural identity. Through continued engagement with the church body, our hope and desire is to see measurable growth in understanding of identity with church members who learn about cultural identity formation.
Over the next twelve months, Koinonia will work with trained educators knowledgeable in the concept of cultural identity formation to provide training opportunities for church leadership and the general congregation. It is important to give a deeper education on how our Christian identity differs from our cultural identity, and how our living out the Christian walk is shaped by our cultural identity. Through continued engagement with the church body, our hope and desire is to see measurable growth in understanding of identity with church members who learn about cultural identity formation.