Senior Pastor Search

He has told you, O man, what is good;
    and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
    and to walk humbly with your God? 

- Micah 6:8

Dear Pastoral Candidate,

     Hello and welcome to New City Fellowship! We look forward to meeting you and your family as we explore the potential for your role as our next senior pastor. We are excited and prayerful to see where the Lord is   leading you and our congregation as we get to know each other through this process.
     We are seeking a pastoral candidate to provide leadership and direction for the New City Fellowship (NCF) staff and congregation by faithfully seeking and following God’s will for the church by clearly understanding and communicating where God is taking NCF in the movement of His kingdom. We look to our pastor to ensure a commitment to the vision of the Gospel of the Kingdom, our mission of being a reconciling and kingdom-justice practicing church community, and our core values of Grace in Sonship, Team Ministry in the Body, Reconciliation across all sinful divisions, the   Humility of Embracing the Cross, Joyfully Enduring Trials, and Relying on the Covenant Promises of God while we love each other and reach out to the world.
     New City Fellowship is a vibrant church with a deep and rich history. We have been loving each other, our brothers and sisters in the Saint Louis community, and with many partners throughout the world for 30+ years.
     We are humbly seeking God’s wisdom and leading as we begin a new chapter in the church’s life. We are crying out to the Lord to send us our new Senior Pastor to lead us into the next 30 years!
     We worship a majestic and glorious God who has blessings for both you and us that far exceed even our greatest expectations. As you look through the enclosed materials feel free to reach out to us if you feel the Lord is leading you in that direction.

Sincerely yours,

The People of New City Fellowship

Pastoral Search Packet

Pastoral Candidate recommendation

Fill out the form below to recommend a candidate for the pastoral search